Contact MEP when...
Changes to the Maintenance Enforcement Act proclaimed October 17, 2017 allow the program to send notices and documents to you by regular mail or electronically, including by fax or email at the last known address you have provided to the program. The program will consider the notice to have been received by you ten days after it is sent.
The law requires you to let the program know of a change to your mailing address or your email address ten days after it has changed. This is important for you to receive notices from the program about the action it intends to take to enforce your order. On October 17, 2017, this change will take effect.
By law, you must keep your information up to date with MEP.
Phone: 902-424-0934 (within HRM); 1-855-322-0934 (toll-free in Nova Scotia). You can call us Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30 (Atlantic Time)
Fax: 902-862-4222
Mail: Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Program
PO Box 183, Station Main
New Waterford, NS B1H 4N9 Canada
Tell us if
- your information has changed (your mailing address, phone numbers, email address, etc.)
- you become aware of any changes to the payor’s information (mailing address, phone numbers, email address, place of employment, employment status, etc.)
- there is any change made to your order by the court
- there is a change in your or your child’s situation that could affect your maintenance payments
- the payor insists on making payments directly, not through MEP
- you believe there is a mistake in MEP’s payment records, or you do not understand the record
Do you have a compliment? Tell us
- by phone
- in writing
Be sure to include the name of the staff member who helped you.
If you have a complaint, follow these steps:
- Speak to your enforcement officer to explain your concerns. You can also put your concerns in writing and fax or mail it to MEP (address above).
- If the enforcement officer cannot help, ask to speak with the coordinator.
- If your matter is not resolved, ask to speak with the senior manager,
- If you are still concerned after taking steps 1, 2, and 3, send your complaint in writing or by email to the attention of MEP’s Director of Maintenance Enforcement (address above).